Saturday, July 30, 2011

Updatare.. :))

I sometimes write in english and sometimes in romanian, i promise to do sth about that. In the last few days I haven't been working out. But I walked a lot and I did good things for other people :D . I won't bore you , I'll just share a few cool songs I stumbled over:

[Stiu ca uneori scriu in engleza si uneori in roamana, iar acest lucru poate fi enervant, promit sa fac ceva ca sa rezolv situatia.In ultimele zile nu am prea facut exercitii fizice, dar am mers mult pe jos si am facut lucruri bunei pt altii. Nu va voi plictisi cu detaliile, vreau doar sa va arat niste melodii faine : ]

Beer commercial[Reclama la bere] Heineken 2011 :
I wished I lived in the golden age
Giving it up on the Broadway stage
Hang with the rats and smoke cigars
Have a break with Frank and count the stars
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - "The Golden Age".

Katie Costello - Stranger (Switched at Birth soundtrack) Episode: Season 1, Episode 7

Glee - Hate on Me (Guy Version)

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