Monday, June 10, 2013

It's gotta be about love at the end of the day, It can't just be about humping

I use the term "love" loosely, because people stay together for various reasons, and the best relationships are based on respect, communication, moral support and equality.

Respect me enough to tell me when I'm doing something wrong, but in a supportive way. Don't criticize me bluntly. We are equals, we both have feelings and goals we want to reach, and the only way we can make each other happy is if we support each other and if we talk honestly.

When you get into a relationship don't think about it in a "oh finally, somebody who is going to take care of me" kind of way. What are you bringing to the table ? If the other person is more successful than you, you will feel frustrated eventually. You need to do your own thing, for yourself and for the sake of the relationship .You need to be equal, or work on being equal . You need to be a pillar of support, not just another wight that drags your partner down.

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