Monday, June 3, 2013

Eat that frog ! by Brian Tracy , procrastination and personal growth

On one of my trips to the bookstore I stumbled upon the self help part of it and I came across a book that cached  my eye. The book was written by a man called Brian Tracy. After sitting down and skimping trough the pages I decided to buy it, and that was how I fell in love with this author.

His style or writing is very simple, no mambo jumbo, straight to the point. And I like that. The book I bought was  "Schimbând gândirea, îţi schimbi viaţa."[Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success ] I love that book, I actually did what the author suggested and made lists of what I want and how to achieve it. Must say, it helped, and to stay on the track I decided to read more such books.

After some research, I made a list of books I should read and went to the bookstore. I decided to take them one at a time, so I was gonna buy one, read it, move on to the next. As luck has it, I came across another book from mister Tracy, the EAT THAT FROG ! book . I read the back of the book and I decided to buy it.

I have to say, what I find peculiar is the fact that bloggers who compile top self help books don't consider Brian Tracy's book so good. Is it maybe because they have not heard about it ? I don't know. But what I do know is that you can find this book online and read from it, even a bit, see if you think the same as I do, and tell me.

            Have a productive day. And don't forget to eat that damn frog !


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