Monday, June 17, 2013

Vopsea textile la Cluj

 Stiti voi ce e ala Cosplay ? Pai hai sa va spun. E atunci cand te costumezi ca un personaj dintr-un serial care iti place. Treaba nu e limitata la seriale, se aplica si la carti, benzi desenate etc.

Una dintre personajele mele favorite este daenerys targaryen din "Game of Thrones / Urzeala Tronurilor". Imi place atat pentru personalitatea ei, cat si pentru felul in care evolueaza pe parcursul serialului. Iar, femeie fiind, normal ca ii admir si stilul vestimentar.

Aceasta este una dintre rochiile cele mai frumoase purtate de catre ea.
Ca sa o fac am nevoie in primul rand de material, si apoi din ceva carton mai tare pentru brau. Pentru ca nu am gasit nicaieri material albastru deschis cu auriu, m-am decis sa il fac. Asa ca am mers la IPB Polus Cluj si mi-am cumparat cu 12 lei 50ml vopsea aurie. Lipseste doar materialul albrastru deschis.

Nu am vopsit textile niciodata, dar cu putin exercitiu, cred ca voi reusi. Am sa revin cu detalii si poze, dar pana acum ma bucur ca am reusit sa incep proiectul. Maine voi merge in cautarea materialului perfect.

Revin cu o postare si niste poze maine. Pup <3 br="">

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lidl : Recipient/Caserola termo/racire

   Azi am gasit la Lidl caserola cu gel de racire la pretul de 17 Ron. Mi-am luat unul pe care am de gand sa il pasez la bunica; si  ma gandesc chiar sa  mai iau vreo 2 pentru ca m-am inteles cu o piretena sa mergem in fiecare saptamana cateva ore la padure si recipientul ar fi perfect ca sa imi duc niste mancare gatita cu mine.

Capacitatea de depozitare este de 1.25 litri , dimensiunea e de 24 lungime - 6 intaltime - 16 latime (cm). Seara se  pune  recipientul in congelator  ca pana a doua zi dimineata sa inghete lichidul de racire. Apoi bagi mancarea in el si esti gata de drum.

Iata si niste poze, ca sa va faceti o idee  despre cum arata :

Monday, June 10, 2013

It's gotta be about love at the end of the day, It can't just be about humping

I use the term "love" loosely, because people stay together for various reasons, and the best relationships are based on respect, communication, moral support and equality.

Respect me enough to tell me when I'm doing something wrong, but in a supportive way. Don't criticize me bluntly. We are equals, we both have feelings and goals we want to reach, and the only way we can make each other happy is if we support each other and if we talk honestly.

When you get into a relationship don't think about it in a "oh finally, somebody who is going to take care of me" kind of way. What are you bringing to the table ? If the other person is more successful than you, you will feel frustrated eventually. You need to do your own thing, for yourself and for the sake of the relationship .You need to be equal, or work on being equal . You need to be a pillar of support, not just another wight that drags your partner down.

Lidl si saptamana asiatica

E luni, incepe o alta saptamana tematica din partea celor de la Lidl. Am asteptat atat de mult fursecurile cu ravas !!! Si pe langa ele am mai descoperit si snacksurile din orez, snacksurile in stil thailandez (extraordinare) , spring rolls (pachetele de primavara) - doar pe cele cu legume care au fost extraordinare, mugurii de bambus pe care i-am cautat disperata in tot clujul si numa nu i-am gasit, lapte de cocos si nu in ultimul rand, uleiul de susan presat la rece.

Vreau sa va spun ca din mugurii de bambus si laptele de cocos imi fac rezerve ca aia din Doomsday preppers, de se pregatesc pt sfarsitul lumii. Chiar m-am saturat de mancarea pe care o fac de obicei si vroiam ceva nou. Ma bucur ca Lidl ne ofera posibilitatea de a incerca mereu ceva nou.

Friday, June 7, 2013

My hair is falling so I'm gonna do something about it

I noticed that my hair is falling, even my mom told me, and my hairdresser said that I have more hair in the left side of my scalp. I've been thinking about it and I haven't been so good to my hair along the time.

I started coloring my hair when I was 17. I had a fixation with red hair. You can imagine that dying my hair constantly for 2 years was a strain for my hair. After that, I wanted to use something less toxic, and I discovered henna for hair. Henna is good for the hair, but what I found in commerce didn't do the job.

I stopped dying my hair, but started heavily curling it with an curling iron and then the straightening obsession came as well. Lately I've noticed that my hair is so thin and now, even if I curl it I can't get the nice curls I had when I was young, plus my curls don't last more than 1 hour.

I've decided to stop abusing my hair. I must say that in the beginning it looked horrible. I only wore it in a ponytail. But after a week I noticed the difference; it started to slightly curl and it even looked more shiny and it definitely felt stronger.

So now, the second week I decided that I'm not gonna straighten it as I did before, and if I wanna curl it I will use over night classic curly things.

I am only 24, I can't destroy my hair now. What am I gonna do when I will be older ? Wear a wig ? No !
Take my advice, stop abusing your hair and only use natural shampoo and home made masks. It's worth it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Crazy bold fashion : AKA Nicki Minaj

The Trinidadian-born American rapper, singer, songwriter, fashion icon , super creative, bold and memorable lady Onika Miraj aka Nicki Minaj has always had the courage to stand out in regards of what she says and  wears, and I follow her dearly. 

Her fashion sense has a wide range, from simple and elegant to sexy and plain out bold.  That is why I made a collection of some of her outfits that inspire me.

So, if you wanna see some of this and more of that click here.

How To Make safari short pants from an old pair of pants

So I found this unworn pair of my mom's pants and I asked her if I could have them so I could practice my sewing skills. She game them to me mainly because they did not fit her anymore.

I cut them over the knee and rolled them up to see how short I want them.

After I cut a little more I did a rolled hem, like the one in the picture underneath. Simple as that.
Now I gotta see if I can make a skirt out of the fabric left, I think I can because the wants were large.
If I can't I'll just make a purse or a corset top or something creative. Can't wait for the next post involving the lower part of the pant. :D

Orange, cele mai ieftine optiuni : 1,5 - 2 Euro

Daca nu vorbesti mult la telefon si preferi fie sa fii tu sunat, fie sa vorbesti prin mesaje, Orange are si alte optiuni in afara de cele pe care le promoveaza la televizor.

Acestea sunt :

1.      150 mesaje scrise in retea cu 1,5 euro/luna
2.      400 mesaje scrise in retea cu 2,5 euro/luna
3.      45 mesaje scrise nationale cu 2 euro/luna
4.     100 mesaje scrise nationale cu 4 euro/luna

sursa imagine :

Easiest & funnest way to learn a new language for free

   Add me on DUOLINGo


Do you wanna learn a new language in an interactive way, so you don't get bored and frustrated ? Well, luckily for you, Luis Von Ahn, the creator of Captcha, created a wonderful free website for this.

 Check it out!  You learn by translating simple sentences. Tt's very modern and you learn how to pronounce also. Words and phrases are grouped together to make thing easier.

 There are levels, and you a star for every language you learn.  You can also test your skills in order to improve what you learned, and best of all, you get points for each sentence you get right.

Make it fun by adding your friends and posting scores on Facebook.
If you are always on the go, I have good news for you: There is an Android version also.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Angelina Jolie birthday "extravaganza"

 If you didn't know, Angelina Jolie 

was born  on the 4th of June 1975

Her first appearance since her preventive double mastectomy was at Brad Pitt's movie premiere of "World War Z" where she wore a draped black gown by Saint Laurent.

It's lovely to  see their strong relationship and the fact that they still make it fun, despite having a large family. The two were later seen at the tony restaurant Il Vino where they had a diner date and a more fun night at David Lynch's private club, Silencio.  [source]


There is no doubt about her birthday celebration. After the intimate dinner there must have been a crazy party at the family's house as Angelina once said that the children are happy for mommy and daddy's engagement because they look forward to the party involved. :)


I am happy and applaud her strength to have the surgery and especially the strength  to talk about it, being a person who is always hunted and frowned upon from the media.








How to get shit done and stop procrastinating, lose weight/get that hobby started already !

There are 3 easy steps to do this, and it works, I have tried it.


Start easy.
Make a list before going to bed of all the things
you have/want  to do tomorrow. Don't put specific time limits, but after you finish your list put numbers in front of each task. What talk is the hardest and brings the biggest reward ? Make that #1 and organize your day revolving that one big and important task.

Keep it simple, before noon & after noon, before work & after work, etc. and don't forget to give yourself a  little wiggle time, because even if you approximate how much time you will need to do the list, other things might intervene.

Making lists is good and motivating, because each time you tick 
something off your self esteem grows and you are more driven to do more. Give yourself at least 30 extra minutes a day for that one big task you wanna develop.  Don't worry if you don't finish everything on your list, add it to the next day's list, or move it in the weekend activities, but don't forget about it.

2.Talk about it

If you have a long time goal, talk about it to people.
Let's say you wanna lose weight or learn how to sew.
Research it every day. Do something about it every day.
Bring in into everyday conversation in a positive way. Don't get all "ohhh I wanna lose weight but it's too hard/ I wanna sew but I'm terrible at it". Everything is hard in the beginning. Start small. Eat smaller portions, sew a simple skirt out of an old rag you have at home. Baby steps. Look at the long term effects of your goal. Tell people what you researched, you just come across somebody
who will give you a tip, "I lost weight by writing down what I ate/ My cousin took sewing lessons in the summer, I will ask her about it and get back to you". Just remember, be positive and don't lose track of your goal.

3.  Deadlines

Set a realistic deadline for your goal and small
checkpoints on the road. This way you will be motivated and won't give up. Write in on a sticky note and put it somewhere you see it everyday. Post it on your computer's wallpaper, or your phone, just be sure to be remembered of it everyday.
For example, I will lose 5 kilos in 6 weeks/ I will make a dress by the end of the month. And then the checkpoints, eat something green everyday and take a picture of myself every week/ make a simple skirt or a simple top each week.
 Extra tip: keep a journal of your progress. This may be a simple file on your computer, or even better make a blog. This way you can see your progress and feel better about the work you have done.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Eat that frog ! by Brian Tracy , procrastination and personal growth

On one of my trips to the bookstore I stumbled upon the self help part of it and I came across a book that cached  my eye. The book was written by a man called Brian Tracy. After sitting down and skimping trough the pages I decided to buy it, and that was how I fell in love with this author.

His style or writing is very simple, no mambo jumbo, straight to the point. And I like that. The book I bought was  "Schimbând gândirea, îţi schimbi viaţa."[Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success ] I love that book, I actually did what the author suggested and made lists of what I want and how to achieve it. Must say, it helped, and to stay on the track I decided to read more such books.

After some research, I made a list of books I should read and went to the bookstore. I decided to take them one at a time, so I was gonna buy one, read it, move on to the next. As luck has it, I came across another book from mister Tracy, the EAT THAT FROG ! book . I read the back of the book and I decided to buy it.

I have to say, what I find peculiar is the fact that bloggers who compile top self help books don't consider Brian Tracy's book so good. Is it maybe because they have not heard about it ? I don't know. But what I do know is that you can find this book online and read from it, even a bit, see if you think the same as I do, and tell me.

            Have a productive day. And don't forget to eat that damn frog !


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Kazaki boys/men dance group

I've stumbled upon something so sexy and artistic its insane. There are 4 male professional dancers from Ukrane that formed an all boy band. The twist is that they are androgynous as far as their look with their signature stiletto heels goes. They have the bodies men wish for and moves of swans.
Enough said, here are some clips of them :

Let's get it on kind of music

You need to add one more list to your Youtube account. A list of music that you listen to when a lady/dude comes over and you wanna .... get it on

So here are some of my favorite songs: 

 Liv Tyler - Need You tonight 
Lionel Richie - All night long
John Legend - PDA
Usher - This ain't sex
Robin Tricke - Blurred Lines ft. T.I., Pharrell
 R Kelly - Ignition
Tony Tone - Lay your head on my pillow
Pretty Ricky - Get you right
Trey Songs - Jupiter Love
Usher - Can you handle it
NeYo - Feel you all over
J Holiday - Bed
Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing
Boys 2 Men - I'll make love to you
Maxwell - This Woman's Work
Chris Brown - Take you down
Rihanna - Ain't nobody's business
Trey Songz - Neighbours Know My Name
Keith Sweat - Nobody
Marvin Gaye - Let's get it on
Tyrese - Signs of Love making
John Legend - Tonight
Frank Ocean - Thinking about you
Kelly Rowland - Motivation
Daft Punk - Tehnologic
Weekend & Drake - The Zone

Prince -dirt mind
Madonna - erotica
Nina Simone- after hours
Barry White -ultimate collection
Patti Smith -horses

Pirate Language on Facebook

Aye matey :))) Here is a quick guide to change your language to Pirate - English version.
Courtesy of

Music : Imagine Dragons - Radioactive

USA indie rock band played on major late night shows like Jimmy Kimmel and Jay Leno, and Rolling Stone magazine called their single, Radioactive, "the biggest rock hit of the year". [wikipedia]

Check out this amazing song that's been playing on my phone all morning.
Ladies and gentleman I present to you RADIOACTIVE  : 

Listen to their chart breaking album, Night Visions here :

Saturday, June 1, 2013

1st of June and Children's Day on Facebook

People. Please stop. Posting the following message on Facebook : Happy Chidren's Day to those who still consider themselves/  people of all ages with a young heart / kids of all ages.

This is what comes to mind when I see such posts  :

Children's Day is for Children. If you wanna celebrate it go  do something nice for a kid, maybe one who doesn't have anybody to tell them Happy Children's Day ...