Friday, October 7, 2011

Respir Muzica

Acum ca sunt in Satu Mare, am profitat de ocazie si am mers la o petrecere unde un coleg de generala (tip de nota 10) a mixat muzica.Si asa am descoperit un nou stil muzical,si anume DUBSTEP.Iata cateva piese care le-am pus pe player:

Si din filme avem:

1.hmm nu mai stiu din ce film e [cred ca The Vampire Diaries] dar ideea este asta:
its about a girl who is in love with a man who is not good for her. He drinks, uses drugs, uses her for sex and then leaves her when he sobers up, but she does not care anymore as long as he is with her she is happy. Why 'until we bleed love'? because she will keep having sex with him until (according to her) he finally falls in love with her, just like when you rub on a sore thumb, you finally make it bleed, she believes she can make him bleed love-love her if she keeps on being used by him.

2.Din Grey's Anatomy[season 8, ep 3]
Min 31,cand toti sunt in sala de operatie.Refrenul e magic.

3.Din nou nu stiu, cred ca tot The Vampire Diaries, dar nush sigur:)

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