Sunday, October 30, 2011

Al N-lea inceput.The n-th beginning

[ro:] Sunt un om de rahat.Daca as putea sa stau toata ziua in casa si sa ma uit la seriale, as face-o.Dar peste cateva luni incepe viata, si mi-e frica.Trebuie sa merg sa dau tema la Securitate,peste 2 zile.Inca nu am facut nimic.Si ce e mai rau? Nu prea imi pasa. Ma tot intreb de ce am ales aceasta facutate? De ce am fost atat de sigura pe mine?Iar acum, as face orice altceva, dar nu stiu ce, si nici multe optiuni nu am.

Partea buna a zilei de azi a fost ca am facut sport, P90X - KempoX + AbRipperX si nu am mancat prostii. Mi-am vizitat profilul de si am dat de o veche prietena de suferinta care locuieste acum in Belgia. Acest lucru m-a bucurat foarte tare. Inca nu am auzit de la Ash nimic, sper sa nu fie deja pe vapor.Am nevoie sa imi iau ramas bun.
[en:] I am a shitty person.If I could stay in the house and look at tv series all day long, I'd do it. But in a few months the real life will kick in and I'm scared.I gotta show my Security homework in 2 days and I haven't done any of it.What's even worse is that I don't even care.I keep asking myself why I choose this faculty and why was I so shore it's the one.And now I'd do anything else, but I don't know what, and I don't have a lot of options.
On the bright side, I worked out today, P90X - KempoX + AbRipperX and I didn't eat crap.I also went back to my slabute account and got back in touch with a friend in suffering who now lives in Belgium and that makes me feel great. I haven't heard from Ash today, and I hope he is not on a ship yet.I want a goodbye :( .

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