Thursday, September 12, 2013

Arta simplitatii, Dominique Loreau

"ARUNCATI NIMICURILE, SPUNETI-LE CUNOSCUTILOR  CA SINGURUL LUCRU PE CARE IL  VRETI ESTE  SA VA DEBARASATI DE TOATE POSESIUNILE, dati vechile sifoniere pe o canapea moale,  argintaria pe un set de baie din crom,  rochiile p e care nu le-ati purtat niciodata pe o haina din lana de calitate, relatiile pasagere  pe mai mult timp pentru prietenii adevarati si sedintele la psiholog pe o lada de sampanie savuroasa.
Restul apartine lumii intelectului, lumii spiritului, misterului, frumusetii si sentimentelor."

"Studiati-va emotiile ca si cum ar fi fenomene exterioare, care nu va ating. Veti reusi astfel sa nu mai fiti sclavul regretelor, al nerabdarii si al tuturor gandurilor confuze,astfel ca veti ajunge chiar sa uitati prezentul, si asta o sa va placa la nebunie !"

                  Am gasit aceasta carte in topul celor mai citite carti de publicistica & eseuri de pe (nu fac reclama, nu de acolo am cumparat-o) , cu rewiew-uri bune si stele colorate.


Nu stiu de ce unele paragrafe au starnit in mine reactii  puternice de dezaprobare. O fi oare faptul ca ea a trait  atata timp intre japonezi, sau eu sunt prea inradacinata in occidentalismele propriei mele vieti.
   E o carte despre calitate inainte de cantitate, de la haine la prieteni, la ganduri, la obiceiuri. E despre cum fiecare ar trebui sa se puna pe sine insusi pe primul loc, fara a fi totusi obsedat de propria persoana. Pentru ca doar daca esti fericit cu tine poti sa ii ajuti pe cei din jur, uneori chiar fara sa iti dai seama.
   Cu un singur lucru nu sunt de acord, sau poate nu am inteles eu... Preferinta posesiunilor de lux, in numar mic, versus posesiunilor de proasta calitate, in numar mare. Din punctul meu de vedere, foarte multe obiecte de lux nu isi justifica pretul si nu sunt esentiale; mai mult, se suprapune cu mentalitatea calugarilor care practica stilul "frugal" (modest) de viata despre care vorbeste autoarea, si pe care il ia ca punct de reper.

Oricum, pana la sfarsitul cartii i-am inteles punctul de vedere. A meritat lectura.  Si am de gand sa pun in practica unele sugestii facute de ea. Dar nu pot sa trec mai departe fara sa mentionez ca in principiu, cheia succesului si a dezvoltarii personale e aceeasi din punctul de vedere a mai multor autori de succes.
Bria Tracy, Loreau si Geoff Thompson au aceleasi principii la baza. Daca acestea au functionat pentru ei, desi provin din medii diferite, inseamna ca voi vedea roadele muncii mele putin cate putin in viitorul apropiat.

Monday, July 15, 2013

HTML & CSS design and build websites, John Duckett

This is the first book in my one year  a-book-a-day challenge that I'm doing.
You can find the rest of the books here : 1 book 1 week = 52 books a year

This is a very good book if you never developed a website for a client before, and even if you did, there are a few good tips in there. It shows you how the new html5 & css3 works, and it is sensitive to also develop for  people who have old computers showing you how to keep your site usefull for those with older browsers.

Moreover, it teaches you how to develop a website logically, what questions to ask a client who wants a website in order to deliver a product that the client will be happy about.Its the whole experience of dealing with clients and making a good website for their business .It talks about web hosting, optimization and it just makes confident about website design.

From the read I could see that the writer, John Duckett, is an experienced developer, who offers his tips and tricks with no holding back.

You can see its a webDESIGN book, because it even looks pleasing to the eye and teaches you style
in the same time.It has code examples, and pictures of how the web page looks. It's straight to
the point and offers really helpful links. The pages are not loaded with information, it's
relaxing to read it.

I really learned something from this book and I also started making my own website following the rules of  HTML & CSS design and build websites by John Duckett.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

1 book 1 week for a year = 52 books

I've read a couple of blog posts about this and I've already started this project. I decided to read IT and Self Development books for the beginning. Because its hard to read some of the technical books in just 1 week, I decided to pair them up with "easier" books, like NLP books, personal development books, or Buddhism books, books that are maybe thinner or easier to read, or even books I've read before, but I'm not sure if thee latter  should be added to the program.

For the beginning I choose a web development book and a personal development one. I gave them both 2 weeks, and when the HTML one tired me I put it down and read from the other one. I think this is going to be my way of doing this 1 year challenge.

Update.3August.2013 I'm falling behind; I think it's because I haven't gotten used to my work schedule; After 2 weeks I've noticed I need to sleep an extra 30 minutes in the morning. But I am considering taking some vitamins, to keep up with my new routine.

This list will be updated during the 1 year task with titles and notes of how its going.

Week 1  :  (1 july - 7 july), f.14july
               HTML & CSS design and build websites, John Duckett 

Week 2  : ( 8 july - 14 july), b.5july, f.22july
                How to instantly connect with anyone, Leil Lowndes

Week 3  : (15 July - 21 July)       begun : 17 July, finished :
                Android Apps for Absolute Beginners 2nd Edition (2012) 

Week 4  : (22 July - 28July)        begun: 24 July, finished : 11 August
              Elefantul si crenguta (arta gandirii pozitive), Geoff Thompson 

Week 5  : (29 July - 4 August)    begun: 2 August, finished: 25 September
               Power vs Force, David R. Hawkins,

Week 6 : (5 Aug - 11 Aug)  begun: 2nd September, finished: 12 September
                Arta simplitatii, Dominique Loreau

Week 7 : (12 - 18 Aug)  begun/finished 12 Sept
                Personalitate Alfa - Puterea ta interioara

Week 8 : (19 - 25 Aug)
                How to double your brain power (audio book , MindPowerWords)

Week 9 : (26 - 1 Sept)
                Cum sa dai jos 1 kg de grasime pe saptamana, Bogdan Tomoioaga

Week 10: ( 2 - 8 Sept)
                 Personalitate Alfa - Descopera-ti vocatia

Week 11 :9 - 15 Sept
                 Dale Carnegie - Arta de a reusi in viata

Week 12 :16 -22 Sept
                 Suzanne Collins - Jocurile Foamei , cartea I

Week 13: 23 -  29 Sept
                 Suzanne Collins - Jocurile Foamei , cartea II, SFIDAREA

Week 14: 30 -   6 Oct
                 Rich Dad Poor Dad  by Robert Kiyosaki.

Week 15:   7 - 13 Oct

Lidl Pentru Plaja : Rogojina

Cred ca azi e ultima zi, dar sunt sigura ca mai gasiti si maine daca vreti, rogojina de plaja de la Lidl cu 22 lei. Are 1.80 m lungime si 80 cm latime. Pe exterior e lavabil plasticat  si pe interior e din iarba de mare. De asemenea, are banda de infasurat ca sa fie usor de transportat. E oricum foarte usoara. Numai buna de mers la plaja.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

NO (sham)POO movement/challenge

Facebook is not just for curing boredom, it's for useful information, if you know how to use it. I'm subscribed to a few personal development blogs, news pages and so on.

Today I saw an interesting share from one of the personal development guys, about a no shampoo movement . The idea is that you give up shampoo for 6 weeks and only clean your hair with water, no shampoo, no soap, no nothing. Our scalp produces sebum (the substance that makes our hair dirty/sticky) and shampoo cleans the sebum off, causing our scalp to only produce more and more sebum.

Sadly, I am at the stage that I have to wash my hair every day because it gets oily very fast. I think the fact that I used to dye my hair made it like this; think and prone to extra sebum production. After trying lots of shampoos , this would be the best thing for my hair I think, so I'm gonna do it.

I'm a bit scared, to tell you the truth, but  worst case scenario, I get to wear hats.

For more about the NO POO [ thats the name of the movement :D ] go here

No poo wikipedia
No shampoo experiment

  • Day1 [5july 2013] :
  •  It's been 24 hours since my last shampoo wash, on top of my forehead I can see                                the hair greasing up already.I took a shower and rinsed my hair with water , nothing more. 
  • Day2 [6july 2013]:
  • My hair is a bit greasy. Probably because I only rinsed it with water. I'm gonna use baking soda to wash my hair today.Let's see how that works. 
  • Day3[7july 2013]:
  • Baking soda method is good, it gives my hair volume.I'm gonna use this for the experiment. Maybe play with it a little.
  • Day4[8july 2013]:
  • I decided to walk home from work and it was very warm outside. My hair is covered with sweat; must wash it again. Baking soda again. But its good. I think less hairs are falling off.
  •  Day5-Day10[13july 2013]: 
  • My hair is a bit less greasy and it has more volume and it looks healthier. I read about sulf soap for hair and skin that is greasy. I will give it a try on Monday. Until now, only baking soda and water. One thing that I don't like is that my hair is a bit um ... hard and straw like ? ... as in ... not smooth and silky, but from what I read that is gonna take more time to accomplish. I'm not giving up, I've made it so far.
  •  Day11-Day13[16 July 2013]:
  • Just can't get my hair to be smooth, so I decided to wash with an organic soap from Lush, called Green Monster. It has mint and lemon and such. Meanwhile I'm looking for sulf soap, but I could not find it yet. Got to hit some more shops and maybe I will come across it.  
  • Day14-Day17[20 july]    
  • Definitely better with no shampoo; still didn't find sulf soap, but I'm only washing my hair with the Lush soap.I took a pic on the first day and I'm gonna take a pic tomorrow morning before I wash my hair again.
  • Day 22 [25 July] I finally found Sulf soap and I'm using it to wash my hair and my skin. It's really amazing.

Ok.Final notes on this experiment :

 I can't go with just baking soda and water, I need something more, and I'm so happy I found sulf soap. It definately cleans the scalp and the skin also.  My hair is still a bit dry and straw like.I don't know how much longer I will go without shampoo, but I will definately make a transition to healthier products, organic shampoo , sulf soap and such. I will write more as time goes by and I try different stuff.