Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Aflarea codului PUK la Orange

Bunica a reusit sa isi blocheze telefonul LOL, asa ca din proprie experienta va spun cum sa faceti sa aflati codul PUK la Orange:

1. Sunati la 484 de pe alt numar de telefon.
2. Apasati tasta 1 : Limba Romana
3. Apasati tasta 3 : introduceti numarul de telefon blocat si tasta #
4. Introduceti cele 6 cifre din seria de buletin(ex din "SM 123456" introducem 123456)
5. Veti primi noul cod PUK format din 8 cifre,(pentru reascultare mesajului se apasa tasta 8) il notati undeva apoi il introduceti in telefonul blocat dupa care va alegeti un nou cod PIN.

Friday, June 8, 2012


I got my new phone .
I found some awesome android development tutorials on youtube from this one american guy named bucky. And after I take my driving exam on monday, I will start "going to class"-online version.
It's so cool that you can find basically any tutorial online, the problem is finding good ones. I think this will be the next step as far as the learning expericence is concerned - free, online, for anybody with an internet connection and english speaking knowledge.
As for adroid development, I'm so excited to start, but for now i'm focusing on  my driving test, as its sooo close.I've already gone trough the first tutorials, just to install what I need to get going, and on monday evening i'm gonna start watching the rest of the tutorials.Can't wait. :D

Ahh, yess, I found this really cool app, for working out, that I've been playing with, and I've been jogging yesterday morning and now I can barely move. LOL. But I'm not giving up, and I'm gonna run as soon as my legs alow me to.I think by tomorrow morning I will be realy to go at it again. I've done so many driving tests online, that I need to take the stress out of my body, and running felt very good yesterday. I hope I won't get too nervous in the exam, but I have 2.5 days left to practice and I'm gonna use that time to tweak some of the chapters, like mechanics that really buggs me.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hello again

Oh my, it's been a long time hasn't it ? Well, lets see what's new:
1. I weigh 73kg
2.I'm studying for my driving permit.
3. I am getting better at java.

People don't chage, do they? That's what I realised reading my older posts. I'm the same insecure girl. Whill I ever change? Oh God, please say yes.

Here is some good music until you think of  how to answer my question.
The XX - Intro  from Person Of Interest, episode 5, ending.

I've learned something that inspires me :      "Abs are made in the kitchen !"
This is my grandma's garden where all the healthy food that I eat grows. Hopefully it will help me loose some fat.