Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sport 1

[ro:] Prima zi de sport a fost cam slabuta.Am facut P90X Chest&Back + AbRIpperX.Bine, Chest&Back nu l-am facut integral,dar am facut cat am putut.Cu mancatul am stat prost deoarece a fost ziua lui Doru si am mancat prajituri si ciocolata...

[en:] The first day of sport was a little thin. I did P90X Day1,  Chest&Back  + AbRIpperX , well, almost, as I didn't do chest&Back full.  Easting-wise it wasn't great because it was Doru's birthday and I ate cookies and chocolate...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[ro:] Urmaresc multe seriale si show-uri americane.Printre ele se numara si THE BIGGEST LOSER [Cel mai mare pierzator ar fi traducerea exacta] . Este o emisiune despre oameni obezi care vor sa slabeasca, si sunt dusi la o ferma unde au antrenori si co-echipieri. Aceasta emisiune m-a marcat inca de prima data cand am vazut-o.
Problema mea este ca niciodata nu reusesc sa obtin ceea ce imi propun. Nu am determinare, deloc. Dar incerc, si sper sa evoluez din ce in ce mai mult.
E 9.52 si dupa ce am vizionat primul episod din sezonul 12 al emisiunii, am facut vreo 10 minute de exercitii pt picioare din antrenamentele Tracy Anderson.Sunt o gurmanda si stiu ca sportul e singura mea scapare. Nu ma intelegeti gresit, incerc sa imi corectez alegerile gresite in privinta mancarii, dar e foarte greu pt mine, si uneori o dau in bara rau de tot.
De maine voi incepe iar cu P90X,ca acum e prea tarziu.Asa ca ne vedem maine, inca o prima zi, dintr-o serie de prime zile esuate.

[en:] I watch THE BIGGEST LOSER on a regular basis, amongs other american tv shows.It made a very strong impression since the first time I saw it.
My biggest problem is that I never finish what I begin.I don't have any determination, but I try and I hope I'm only getting further on my path to the body I want.
It's 9.52 PM and I've just seen the first episode of the 12th season. After the show I exercised a little; I did Tracy Anderson's workout for legs. I LOVE FOOD and I know that sport is my only escape. Don't get me wrong, I try to eat as healthy as I can but sometimes I screw up big time.
Tomorrow I want to start P90X again because now it's too late.So I'll see you tomorrow on another first day, from a series of failed first days.